After checking out the Aesthetic Apparatus website and your totally hilarious blog i think I've got a good idea of the genera of artists and music that inspire you to work. I am totally stereotyping the artist you might know/like by what's on your web shit. But who ever said a little research and an "I don't care what you think" attitude dint help. Even know you know Banskey real name and Shepard Fairy dose the Andre the giant wheat paste, there are still allot of street artist out there that don't get cred where cred's deserved.
The artist I choose that has recently inspired me to think of new ways to approach what I do is. Steve powers a.k.a. "espo". I ran across his work browsing over the Wooster collect(a totally sweet graff/art web site).He started as a gate painter(like the silver gates that business pull down after closing) in NYC. He began to add his own little flavor on to the gates by making them typographic or graffiti. Well to make a long story short the business owners didn't really give a shit and thus he was allowed to pretty much crush the entire city legally.
Creating controversy and the question of is graffiti public space and its legality. After building a rep as a graff artist he started his own sign business and became more of a part of the landscape of NYC. He is still coming up with new inventive ways to challenge the medium and idea of public art/graffiti(check out the link ). I dig the notion of changing the process of srteet art and stick it to the man some times as an artist if we just shift the approach to a problem the new solution can breath life into a great idea.
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